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Does Your Internet Marketing Pull?

Posted on October 16, 2022 by Dale Pleasant

"Pull Marketing" has always been, and will continue to be the best online marketing strategy at your disposal. Permit me to explain. Most marketing efforts can be placed into one of three classes:

1. "Push Marketing" or advertisements basically yells at the viewer. "Hey Look at ME, Purchase My Stuff NOW!" Because we're exposed to this sort of marketing thousands of times per day, we have learned to tune out it, hate it and even protest against it. Look at SPAM for example. People even get arrested for using email to "Push" their offers in front of us!

With Push Marketing we don't have any choice in the matter. We receive a sales pitch if we need it or not. And who doesn't need a choice in what they see, hear or read?

2. "Permission Marketing" on the other hand aims to seduce us into allowing other people to market to us. They provide up promises of great useful content, special offers and discounts when we signup, opt-in or subscribe. It is powerful but losing ground day by day as we view the material more and more diluted by the advertisements.

Basically, they ask us if they could promote to us and we have a choice whether the material they are offering is valuable enough for us to put up with the advertisements.

3. "Pull Marketing" is when folks come to you, using a goal. If I am seeking the assistance of a developer to develop a script for a web site I am working on, the first place I start my hunt is a search engine or a website where I know developers are available like Elance.com. I actually go to these sites with a purpose and find the best man for the job.

Perhaps I read an article or web based tutorial on designing scripts for my goal. Maybe I hunted through HotScripts.com and could not find what I was searching for.

The Point is, I went searching for them. I took the time and energy to find them and I am ready to purchase now. I am the most concentrated prospect the developer could ever hope for.

Now, the trick to successful Pull Marketing on the world wide web is visibility. If that programmer wasn't visible when I went hunting he'd have lost the sale. He utilized Pull Marketing to his benefit and it was to my benefit as well because I wanted his services at the moment.

Here are 7 ways to implement"Pull Marketing" into your internet marketing plan:

1. Ensure that your web site is listed in the major search engines. Your site has to be optimized so it is listed under the right keywords and phrases, which makes it visible when your potential customers and customers are prepared to buy.

2. Make your experience memorable by writing informative articles related to your industry or market. Make those posts visible by submitting and syndicating them to websites and ezines for future publication.

3. Contribute meaningfully to internet forums where your potential customers gather to exchange their views, opinions and discuss their problems. Leave a subtle keyworded link in all your postings. Now that other forum people know who you are and what you know, they will tend to take a look at your link.

4. Organize your email with a touch. Every email you send out should have a brief blurb at the end together with your URL. Make sure that the main advantage of your company is stressed and make it compelling and irresistible. Make it memorable.

5. Provide a content rich website that attracts traffic into interacting in some way. They must come back for the most recent articles, they need to return to see the results of a survey or quiz they participate in. Always give your web site visitors a reason to return.

6. Leave your URL and touch on any other relevant websites which allow link entries or link exchanges. Sign guestbooks, send webmasters testimonials touting what a terrific source of info their website is to you. They may publish this, and your URL directly on their main page.

7. List your website in the right category of every directory you can find. Drill down through the classes as if you were a potential client looking for the services you provide and submit your listing there. Targeted visibility will work wonders for your marketing pull.

The main point is: Targeted Visibility is the key to successful"Pull Marketing". You will need to be there when your customers come looking.