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Tag: original

Articles tagged as Original

What Is Viral Marketing And How Do I Use It?

Posted on June 2, 2024 by Dale Pleasant
Viral marketing can certainly help your organization get a great deal of targeted prospects.Viral marketing is merely the practice of offering free services or products together with your original ad copy such as for example links, contact information, and email list.You then simply let those that download your free products pass it along with their own customers and prospects.Viral marketing is a good solution to advertise free of charge and without plenty of effort on your own part...

How To Profit Using Public Domain Works

Posted on November 12, 2022 by Dale Pleasant
The public domain is full of books, journals, literary works, videos, audio, music sheets, software and government works that you can use any way you choose and create unlimited wealth with a little creativity.Several ways you can gain using public domain works are:1.Creating articles to increase traffic.Search for public domain works that are related to your company and dissect these functions into informative small articles you can post to article based sites others can freely use as articles in their ezines...

Killer Ways To Multiply Your Sales

Posted on March 5, 2022 by Dale Pleasant
1.If you make your first purchase, follow-up with the client.You might follow-up with a"thank you" email.That way, you might follow-up every month or two and build your own lists and include an advertisement for other products you sell.2.You could upsell to your customers.When they're at your order page, tell them about a few extra related products you have available.They could just add it to their original order...