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Tag: purchase

Articles tagged as Purchase

Evaluating Web Site Performance

Posted on September 25, 2023 by Dale Pleasant
Setting up an internet site is the initial step of an Online marketing campaign, and the success or failure of one's site depends greatly on what specifically you have defined your site goals.Unless you know what you need your site to perform, it will probably neglect to accomplish anything.Without goals to help you in developing and monitoring your site, all of your site will undoubtedly be can be an online announcement you are running a business...

Does Your Internet Marketing Pull?

Posted on September 16, 2022 by Dale Pleasant
"Pull Marketing" has always been, and will continue to be the best online marketing strategy at your disposal.Permit me to explain.Most marketing efforts can be placed into one of three classes:1."Push Marketing" or advertisements basically yells at the viewer."Hey Look at ME, Purchase My Stuff NOW!" Because we're exposed to this sort of marketing thousands of times per day, we have learned to tune out it, hate it and even protest against it...

Killer Ways To Multiply Your Sales

Posted on April 5, 2022 by Dale Pleasant
1.If you make your first purchase, follow-up with the client.You might follow-up with a"thank you" email.That way, you might follow-up every month or two and build your own lists and include an advertisement for other products you sell.2.You could upsell to your customers.When they're at your order page, tell them about a few extra related products you have available.They could just add it to their original order...