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Tag: quality

Articles tagged as Quality

Everything on the Internet is Content

Posted on November 27, 2024 by Dale Pleasant
Before you begin to think that that is another SEO technique that could or might not work according to the current algorithms of the various search engines, consider it.EVERYTHING on the web is CONTENT.The internet is really a veritable treasure trove of information.Good, bad, valuable or not, the web is focused on providing information to people.This is why smart online marketers understand that people want information from their websites - not only SEO enriched pages of advertising...

What is a Web Directory?

Posted on July 14, 2024 by Dale Pleasant
A web directory in it's simplest form could be regarded as a human indexed internet search engine.Humans can search for a directory website and make resource suggestions via an online form.A human editor will review the suggestion and add it to the directory provided it meets the submission guidelines for the directory.General vs Niche DirectoriesThere are two major forms of web directories on the web, general and niche...

Analyzing Website Traffic

Posted on November 6, 2023 by Dale Pleasant
Analyzing your online traffic statistics is definitely an invaluable tool for several different reasons.But before you may make full usage of this tool, you must understand how exactly to interpret the info.Most website hosting companies offers you basic website traffic information that afterward you need to interpret and make pertinent usage of.However, the info you receive from your own host company could be overwhelming unless you learn how to apply it to your unique business and website...